Privacy Policy

This is the web site of New Eyes for the Needy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We recognize that visitors to our site may be concerned about the information they provide to us and how we treat that information. This Privacy Policy addresses those concerns. This policy may be changed or updated at any time.

Our postal address is 549 Millburn Avenue, P.O. Box 332, Short Hills, NJ 07078

We can be reached via e-mail at or you can reach us by telephone at (973) 376-4903, ext. 6 if you have any questions not answered on this page.

Our Policy:

For each visitor to our webpage, our web server automatically recognizes only the visitor’s domain name, but not the e-mail address (where possible). We collect the domain name and e-mail address (where possible) of visitors to our webpage, aggregate information on what pages visitors access or visit, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations. The information we collect is used to improve the content of our webpage, not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.

Your Information:

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at the above address.

If you supply us with your postal address online, you may receive additional information or requests from us in addition to the information for which you provided us your address. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers online may receive telephone contacts regarding additional information or requests in addition to a telephone contact from us regarding requests they have placed online.

From time to time, we may use visitor information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our website periodically. Visitors may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by calling us at the number provided above. Upon request, we provide site visitors with access to unique identifier information (e.g., visitor number or password) that we maintain about them, and contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them.

Visitors can access this information by e-mailing us at the above address, or by writing to us at the above address. Upon request, we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected in contact information.

From time to time, we may use visitor information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our website periodically. Visitors may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by calling us at the number provided above. Upon request, we provide site visitors with access to unique identifier information (e.g., visitor number or password) that we maintain about them, and contact information (e.g., name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them.

Visitors can access this information by e-mailing us at the above address, or by writing to us at the above address. Upon request, we offer visitors the ability to have inaccuracies corrected in contact information. by sending us e-mail at the above address, or by writing to us at the above address.

Are cookies used? 

We may use cookies to record session information.

Ad Servers:

We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies.


We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.